Miloš Meier | Drumming Syndrome


It’s been two years since my last post! 😀 Right now I’m sitting in our dressing room after a show in Bielenfeld, Germany, and I have realized I should eventually post something. It’s been a while. 🙂 So… „I’m alright!“ haha 😀

There’s always something going on so if you follow social networks that make the world go round, including me, you know everything! 🙂
I’ll start with sharing a couple of videos that have been recorded this year. The first one in 2018 was my version of „War Pigs“ in a soundtrack version of the „300 – War of an Empire“ film. The caption above the video explains what I meant by this song. Not everybody got it. 🙂

On the same recording day I wanted to have more fun and recorded a Metallica cover. I’ve loved this band since I was 12, they’re among my three favourite bands. And the other two? Guns N’Roses and the third one will remain a secret. 🙂 There is so much music I listen to so the third position is variable. 🙂

For the last two years I’ve been starting most of my Drumming Syndrome shows with the Sherlock Holmes film soundtrack by Hans Zimmer. I’ve decided to record this song and here’s the result…

I enjoyed the day to the full and recorded two more songs. I went for a proper metal hit and my choice was Machine Head! Check it out and expect the third smash song in a couple of weeks! 😉

Despite all these recording activities my priority remains playing live and concerts. I love it! I do most shows with Dymytry and my Drumming Syndrome. I’m incredibly happy with the way it works, develops and moves forward. I always try to work hard, improve, and I appreciate every feedback which supports my efforts. Thanks!!! I’m sharing a video-report from my Prague Drumming Syndrome show at the end of 2017. The atmosphere explains why I’m so happy after every show and why I look forward to the next one!

Those of you who follow me know that I travel from time to time thanks to my job and I have a chance to get to know the world. Last year I went “syndroming” to the Seoul Drum Festival in South Korea, to the NAMM Musikmesse Russia in Moscow or on a Drumming Syndrome Tour in Poland. Nowadays we also try to perform abroad with Dymytry and our efforts resulted in the current tour in Germany with our friends from Hamatom. It’s been a blast! The latest news is my collaboration with Gus G. (ex Ozzy Osbourne, Firewind). It’s another opportunity to travel the world and fulfil my dreams. Follow my concerts here, you’ll find everything there! I’m adding a video of my performance in South Korea. It was incredible… A wonderful welcome by local fans, a fantastic atmosphere during the whole festival, perfect organization, and much more. I can share my feelings in this video. My performance at the Seoul Drum Festival 2017:

You can find me on the front page of the “Muzikus” magazine this month which contains an extensive interview. It includes stories about the most important moments of my career, drums, practising, or the background of it all. I feel honoured to be on the front page of a magazine where I have read about my music idols since my very beginnings.


Last but not least I’m sharing my solo from a Dymytry show at the Masters of Rock festival 2017. This video has become my most viewed on YouTube and has reached almost half a million views in less than a year. It would be cool to celebrate the half-million, wouldn’t it? 🙂 Thank you all for your support, take care!


PS. Next time it won’t take me so long to post here! 🙂